For our mid-term project, our teacher assign us a project that similar to the component 1 from Cambridge. We were required to create an advertisement video for about 2 minutes for a brand new or already existed products/services in a group of 4. We were also required to give a creative reflection (however, our teacher only ask us to do the reflection as a normal document).
I was the leader of the group which put a lot of stress on me as it was my first time leading a media team. We have a brainstorming session on what we should advertise about. At first, we thought peanut butter, chair or phone would be a good idea, however, later on, one of the member suggested the idea about advertising canned coffee which was agreed by the whole group. We then start writing the script, storyboard and props lists.
I fulfill my job as an editor and the director. We had some problems in the editing phase because some of the footages had some errors and we were not be able to re shoot due to the Vietnamese subjects' exams schedule. Anyway, we still manage to create an advertising video, which personally I think was pretty good, about canned Highland Coffee. The video is below:
Throughout the project, I have learned a lot about how should we edit the video, as well as how we should mind the lighting and the amount of negative space in a scene. I think these lessons would help me a lot when I am doing my film opening in this AS level year!