While editing the opening scene, I found out that the film opening need an animated intro with the title of the movie, "Sweet Dream" on it. I was searching for free template (because we don't have any budget) but none of them fit into our film opening.
Right at that moment, I knew that I need to create one myself so that what I did. I install Adobe After Effects on my laptop, go on YouTube to watch tutorial and start my learning. At first, it was quite hard to used for me because it is a completely new experience and new software for me but after a while, I found out that it still had some similarities with other video editing software that I have used before. It take me a while to know all the panels, where to find things, short key for specific tasks but after about 1 day I have learnt the basic part of it.
Now I need to come up with an idea for the animated scene. One of the art style that make me really interested is collage art style and after thinking for a while, I see the potential of that idea and it would probably go well with my project so I start to learn how to design that style.
Quạ, H.D. (2022) After Effects : COLLAGE ART | HƯỚNG DẪN CÓ "NGƯỜI YÊU", YouTube. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5fzqaOE17k (Accessed: April 13, 2023).
*Note: the source of the image in the reference is also where I learn how to create my intro for the film opening
Then I start turning my idea into real products. Here are some image of each of the step:
And this is my final product of the animated intro, ENJOY!!!