At this time of the year, we are researching about the modernism and post-modernism in terms of media studies. The post-modernism theory questions the old social norm or what we called the "metanarrative" (coined by Lyotard): the leading, the big picture that most of the people in the modernism believed in. Similarly, we had Baudrillard's simulacra and simulation: suggested that in the post-modernism world, media and culture have become so saturated with simulations and copies that it's challenging to distinguish reality from representation.
With that being said, in the post-modernism, as a result of those hyperreality and questions, there are new genres/characteristics/types of media products have been defined, namely: parody, irony, self reflectivity, intertextual reference, bricolage, ...
As shown in the
The footage on the video above was from the movie Scream where it copied and mocked the famous scene "The bullet time" in The Matrix. The scene had Scream followed the action of Neo in The Matrix dodging the bullet but then Scream's back was cracked so he have to sit down and rest.